Saturday, September 6, 2008

Reno 911!

I do plenty to make my husband mad: ogle escorts online, read their scary bad reviews, become smitten with his cute friends, and stay up all night writing political commentary. As bad as some of those things are, there is one thing that makes my husband really mad. That is, watching hours upon hours of television. Not just the quantity of television, but the quality of television.

Last month I started a new job which include a handsome salary increase. I figured I would reward myself with a DVR. I reasoned, I would be more productive, being able to cruise through commercials, watching the best shows with my limited time. If I decide I want to watch one of my husband's more hated shows (ie To Catch a Predator, or I Love Money) I could record them, and watch them while my husband is at work.

But there is one recorded show that I choose all over the rest. That is Reno 911! Luckily season 4 is on WGN evenings, and I find three new episodes regularly saved on my DVR. It is so sophomoric, but I love it. If you have no time to watch the actual episodes, I highly recommend Reno 911! The Movie. It has all the best parts, Terry the gay criminal. A guy from just outside Denver (Fort Collins) who amasses a cocaine empire in Miami (which failed in Fort Collins because they're more into Marijuana.)

So I will spend my Saturday watching lots of Reno 911! And the other items saved into DVR:
The Simpsons
Sex and the City
King of the Hill
Family Guy
Kitchen Nightmares
Brooke Knows Best
Project Runway
Mexico One Plate at a Time
I Love Money

Happy viewing!

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