So I've been bored and researching more of this. You know, buying escorts is not as easy as going to the store and buying a bag of chips. This is the impression I get from my perusal of craigslist and theotherboard.
Rules for buying an escort
1. Do not block (*67) your phone. This pisses off the prostitutes. Every ad I see tells you to do the opposite and unblock (*82) your phone.
2. Get "approved". There appears to be an elaborate process before being able to see an escort. Maybe it's to determine you aren't a cop, or murderer, or what ever other riff-raff one attracts when going into this profession. So what involves getting approved? They want to know what other ladies you've seen. They want names and numbers so they can check you out. They want to know where you work. I'm still trying to figure out what they do for a first timer.
3. Follow the rule. What is the rule? Remember, you are paying for the escort's time, and any other activity that may occur between two consenting adults is just a mere coincidence. If you call asking for a blowjob, they'll hang up. Now, granted, I probably wouldn't pay for anyone's time. (I'm usually finding a way to get out of spending time with people). But I found the whole thing completely fascinating, and had to share with you all out there.
Monday, September 1, 2008
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